Severe rain, storms and floods have battered parts of the Auckland, Northland and Coromandel in the last week making hundreds of homes uninhabitable and lot more requiring moderate to large repairs. If your house has been affected by the flood or have a new build or renovation planned, it is important to revisit the design of your home to limit the effects of water damage from future floods.
Here are some quick steps or tips from Global Finance you can take to minimise or avoid the flood damage to your home next time there is a heavy downpour:
1. Understand your building flood risk?
The first step is to determine the level of flood risk of your house by looking at the local council building LIM report and local maps which may show the flood mapping to determine flood hazard areas or flood-prone land.
2. Raise the level of your home
Lifting your house off the ground to a compliant height is the most obvious remedial work that can be done in a flood-prone area. Be aware that this won’t be possible with some forms of construction, such as brick houses and concrete slabs on the ground.
3. Promote water run-off
The design and placement of the building should allow water to escape via its most natural course such as the nearest drainage laid out by the council by designing the contour of the land in such a way. Another alternative is to leave a lot of permeable space around the house via gardens and grass to allow the water to be absorbed.
4. Maximise drainage and gutters size
When it comes to specifying the size of gutters and downpipes around the house ensure they are big enough to aid rapid water run-off coupled with the size of the drains in the parking areas near garage or at the back in the courtyard or deck to minimise water build up.
5. Choose weather-hardy materials
Review the internal structure and walls of the home at the lower level and look at including fibre-cement sheeting, bricks, water-resistant plasterboard and water insulated panels as they are more durable and moisture resistant in the long run.
6. Clever bathroom and laundry designs
Your bathroom and laundry get impacted by water usage on daily basis,
To mitigate the effects of moisture or water damage in your bathroom look at designing the cabinetry in these areas with installation of a wall-hung vanity rather than a floor-mounted style, a freestanding bath and choosing corrosion-resistant finishes for joinery and doors.
While there is no way to complete avoid the natural disasters, at least the above tips can leave you with the peace of mind that you have taken all the possible measures to future proof your house.
Talk to Global Finance expert mortgage brokers today if you are looking for a top up or renovation loan to upgrade your house to future proof it against floods or other disasters.
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